2020 wrap up and looking forward to 2021

It has been a challenging year for all of us on so many different levels.

But in so many ways, 2020 has given us the choice and opportunity to dig deep within ourselves and connect with our inner wisdom.

For this I am truly grateful.

The pandemic gave us a chance to explore our inner selves, that is if we chose to.

The dismantling of the old structures challenged us to build and create stronger, more soul aligned foundations falling in line with the Universal year of 22/4 The year of the Master Builder.

During 2020, we were called to make way for the new and to help build together a caring, compassionate community through being aware and highly creative. The 22 ensured the Divine Feminine would now emerge and structures would be based around intuition, love, compassion, maturity and harmony.

The New Divine Masculine would also emerge incorporating more and more of the Divine Feminine aspects to bring balance and harmony between the yin and the yang.

2020 brought deep and intense purging and release, anything that was no longer aligned with harmony and balance would have to go, no matter the origin.

Stepping into my Divine Feminine has always been my biggest challenge. So this year was a particularly deep, introspective year for me; stepping back from social media, really travelling into my core and releasing ancestral patterns that have been particularly linked to " blocking" my Divine feminine from shining.

Realising and acknowledging the tremendous impact that ancestral patterns from my maternal line have had on my beliefs and behavioural patterns. Forgiving and finding gratitude for any residual triggers connected to my Mother. This was my biggest theme for the months of the height of Covid here in Australia.

Struggling with trying to desperately complete so many issues around my personal relationships, and work related structures that no longer served us as a couple .

Fully stepping into my creative and channelled writing and to build a strong foundation based around it so I am able to share my wisdom and support all who needed it during these huge times of awakening.

Then came the unexpected death of my sister in November where finally, on a higher plane, we were able to forgive, heal and grow that which was not possible in the physical realm.

There I would step up as a Healer and no longer have any doubt or worry about revealing truly what I am . There I would use my gifts to bring peace to a troubled soul who had just had enough in this physical world of being human.

There I was also asked to go that step deeper by again having to be around energy that I had chosen to leave behind. Another level of profound validation and alignment to once again show me how far I have come.

Just when I thought that Karmic relationship had been released, The Universe forced me to dig deeper again to once again face my childhood predator and be able to provide love and support for those that needed me without being pulled back into the negativity. That was truly challenging!

Then soon after the completion of one cycle, out of nowhere , or so it seemed, came the abrupt end of another when my brother decided to " have his say" and cut contact a few days before Christmas. It seemed that the Universe would take the choice from me since I was dragging my heels for so long, being suffocated by this toxic energy but not establishing a healthy boundary. So the circumstance arose, the verbal abuse was received and finally the boundary was established. The last living member of my immediate family would now remove himself from my life without me having to have to steps to do it myself.

Truly the foundations of 2020 would only have compassion and harmony at it's core- anything else just had to GO! and the last full moon of 2020 remains on 29th/30th ! Surely there can be nothing left for me to strip away!

SO NOW 2021!

It's all about change and transformation! Stepping out into the world with our new found New Earth structures of peace, harmony and truth! Expanding, adapting versatility and embodying all that will support our truth and allow us to be ourselves!

Sharing our wisdom and creativity, publishing, launching, teaching and shifting! Living freedom, liberation, life experiences to the fullest without trying so hard. Be open to adventure! A universal year 5 makes anything possible!

I hope this post helps you all to reflect and use these last few days of 2020 with the upcoming full moon in Cancer to release any residual triggers or blocks that will not support the Universal year 5 energies.

We have all worked so hard to construct the foundations for our future during 2020. Now lets get out there and spread LOVE AND COMPASSION.

Peace, Love and Light




Intuitive Energy Guidance and Numerology Forecast 2021
