Hello beautiful souls! Welcome to a new week and soon a new month! The month of June is upon us! This week's card is AUTHENTICITY. This card is from my soon to be published Pain to Purpose - Healing Oracle. During May, we have shifted and transformed. Now we find our AUTHENTICITY! It's time to process all that we have learned, embody these new shifts and vibrations, and let our authentic selves shine. This week's centring thought ( from Pain to Purpose- Healing Oracle ) © Antoinette Thompson “To be authentic to my very core" "To be authentic is to be clear on who you are and to not have any fear to show this to the outside world. Authenticity is the core of your existence, the essence within the confines of the physical body. It is our true being, the being of evolution, the soul and the accumulation of all our memories. Authenticity is acquired primarily from our blueprint, however, our experiences, our past lives, and our self-evolution through time also shape us. We often do not remember who we really are or what we have come to Earth to do." © Antoinette Thompson Study the drawing and look at what comes up for you. Meditate or spend some time in reflection around the centring thought. Listen to your intuition. I send you all so much love and hope that you are enjoying previewing some of my cards as I am guided to reveal. I absolutely love sharing them with you. Peace, Love and Light Antoinette 😍🙏