Today the 8 March we especially recognise the contribution that women bring to all on a global scale.
Today and always, we celebrate the rise of the Divine Feminine in each one of us in all her glory. The intuition, the emotion, the Sacred Sexuality, the compassion, the empathy, the creativity, and the transformation inspired through change and evolution.
Four years ago today, I took my first steps to sharing my light with the world. On this day, I started my Holistic Practice, To Become One.
A name that spirit gave me, slowly over time to encompass all that I am and all that I will be to myself and to the world.
My greatest challenge has been to embrace and integrate my Divine Feminine. To balance my polarity, to allow myself to feel, to surrender to the whispers of my soul, to embrace my spiritual gifts and to create my own reality from a place of inner peace and harmony so then I would share this energy with the world.
In the last few years, I came to realise that my healing journey would evolve into supporting beautiful souls to find their centre; to trust their inner voice, to embrace and love their emotions and to convert their trauma into wisdom to live their authentic blueprint; TO REMEMBER THEIR TRUE ESSENCE AND TO CREATE FROM THAT TRUTH.
During the last four years I have been blessed to guide and support so many souls that were craving evolution. I have had the privilege of holding space, giving love, and activating the ever-present healer within that is just waiting to be held.
Today and always, I am in awe and deep gratitude for the honour that it is to ride on this ride of life with you all.
As we continue to grow together, we will transform, evolve, and reach our highest version of ourselves; THAT IS OUR SOUL TRUTH.
As “To Become One” as evolved in the last four years, so have I and so have you all.
May we continue to expand and hold each other in a continuous circle of life celebrating our transformation to become one with ourselves and all.
Peace, Love and Light