September Equinox

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Wow, what a build up it has been to Spring Equinox ( Southern Hemisphere) and Autumn Equinox ( Northern Hemisphere).

Yesterday was a really tough day energetically. Protests in Victoria like I have never seen before in all of my life here. Ordinary people fighting for FREEDOM, in a so-called democracy that has been overtaken by dictatorship and tyranny, particularly in a few states here in Australia.

So many synchronicities, symbols and metaphors! Co-incidence? - no I don’t think so!

Even Mother Nature shook it up with a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in a state that is fighting for freedom for all of us!

Then we have had the Pisces full moon that is somewhat forcing us to transmute our emotions into wisdom.

Equinox also begins Libra Season; more themes of balance and harmony.

The Equinox, the day of equal light and dark, calls us to find equilibrium within us. To balance our light with our shadow and to understand that in essence we are not beings of separation; we are beings of connection. To recognise within us that we must make a CHOICE; either to stay in our polarity and duality and continue with separation or division, or to recognise that we are all connected and thus together rise in this consciousness to new heights of unity.

So, do we remain in the pattern of destruction of our inner core through division and separation, or do we make the choice to learn from our past experiences and rejoice in each other’s wisdom to create a NEW EARTH in community connected through open hearts?


Take some time out today to ground and balance your energy in whichever way you are able. Walks, time in nature, meditations, sound healings, energy healings, just breathing!

Happy Equinox all, and may you find within your heart the peace and harmony that we all deserve.

May we rise together in unity for all; for WE ARE ONE.

Peace, Love and Light

Antoinette x

#equinox2021 #springequinox #autumequinox #Septequinox


