November Energy Update and Card of the Month
Welcome to NOVEMBER everyone!
NOVEMBER Energy Update and Card of the Month – DETACH
I invite you to come and join Kaija and myself at 8pm November 6, Sydney Australia time on INSTAGRAM
for our monthly Live Intuitive Guidance and personal readings! More information at
· Eclipse energy continues- change, transformation, re-directions.
· 11:11- activation of your Divine blueprint and remembering who you are as a multidimensional being.
· Scorpio season – Ego death and rebirth, transformation.
· Time to stand in your power and vision.
· Introspection and reflection.
· Practice acceptance and unconditional love.
· Allow all to come to the surface.
· Accept all parts of you- shadow and light
· Shadows bring great lessons
· You are individual and part of the whole
· To thy self be true
· Divine Guidance
· Movement
· Restart
How was OCTOBER for you?
October brought the start of the eclipse season with the new moon solar eclipse and also the start of the Scorpio season. The time of deep transformation, death and rebirth and revelation.
We have gone through the energies of October, another intense month of balancing our energies and achieving harmony within ourselves and still being open to new opportunities.
In November, we find ourselves deep in eclipse energies- intense, unpredictable, full of twists, turns and redirections towards our fate and destiny- towards our Divine blueprint, OUR CORE. A time of self-examination and introspection to acknowledge and accept all parts of ourselves- shadow included.
In November, we have the potent portal of 11:11. In Numerology, 11 has a very deep Spiritual meaning and significance. The energy around the number 11 is all about Spirituality, Psychic gifts, intuition, third eye, visionary, mysticism, Divine guidance and shining your light.
On 11:11, these energies are amplified, and it is an important day of remembering and activation. It is traditionally known as Remembrance Day where we honour all those who have fallen in service to their country. In Spirituality the significance of 11:11 is also a remembering, but a remembering of who we are on a soul level, our Divine Blueprint. To return back to our highest potential and true authentic essence.
The energy of Nov 2022 in particular, in numerology is 8- powerful, abundant, prosperous and expansion. Thus, November will be time of opportunity and abundance from aligning with our soul purpose and claiming our destiny- claiming what is inherently ours for the taking.
Simultaneously, the energies are moving from death to rebirth, shadow to light, spring to summer, autumn to winter, fear to acceptance, challenge to multiple possibilities, and most importantly, embracing all with LOVE. Unconditional love is powerful; when we accept all of ourselves, we fully step into our power.
We are both shadow and light, both are needed to make the whole. When we learn to acknowledge and accept all parts of us, we can access higher levels of knowing through healing.
This is when we realise that we are both individual and also part of something much bigger than us. This is where the frequency of the higher chakras begins to activate. The colour silver which represents the 8th Chakra, just above the crown chakra, is the higher dimension chakra- the understanding that we are multi-dimensional beings capable of connecting with spirit and transcending time. The colour gold represents the 9th Chakra, the seat of the soul where our soul’s code and higher purpose is held.
Chakra System
These higher chakras represent the doorway between the soul and the body and how we can integrate and embody our soul in our human form.
Thus, during these times, we are called to work on our higher chakras, our third eye, our crown and beyond.
November is truly a time for introspection and a deep dive into ourselves. We will never know what we will find.
“Into my own world I withdrew, one that was created by you”
Stay in your alignment. Your inner world creates your outer world. Be the master of your creation
· Do you realise your individuality as well as your vastness?
· What is at the centre of the Universe?
· Time to unplug and tune into your intuition.
· We have everything we need within us.
· Introspection and reflection
· Have you detached from your authenticity?
· Return to our core, our essence.
· Acknowledge our individuality as well as our wholeness.
· Mysticism, quiet time and intuition.
· Is your soul in your body or are the two disconnected?
· We are our own planet as well as part of the Universe.
· Acknowledge our connectivity and our solitude.
· Transition of worlds.
What is at the centre of your Universe?
Is it possible to be “your world” in a “bigger world?
We are all part of something bigger than us, but at the same time we are individual with our own identity. To never forget that we are part of a galaxy, but we are also planets within ourselves- we have been given all that we need inside of us. To find this individuality, sometimes we need to detach- detach from people, circumstances or things. Sometimes we need to extract ourselves from the common denominator to find our own essence.
Have you detached from your authenticity?
In November we are being called to return to our core- to reflect on ways that we have perhaps detached from our own authenticity. So much so that we don’t even know who we are in true essence.
Do you feel that your soul and body are disconnected?
In the image of the card, we can substitute the two worlds to being a representation of our body and our soul, though we are one, are we aligned or separate, two entities or one? Has trauma or pain, belief systems, generational trauma or conditioning caused your body and soul to disconnect? Often when we disconnect, we go into common trauma responses like fight, flight, fawn and freeze. Perhaps you have sacrificed your own identity to survive, people please, fit in, be accepted… Or perhaps we begin to live in dual worlds where we have a different identity in each to suit the circumstances.
Our inner world is a reflection of our outer world. From within comes without. We manifest our inner world in our outer world- when we are at peace, our outer world is at peace. When we are in inner conflict, we are more likely to manifest anger, arguments, drama or conflict in our outer world.
So, November calls us to examine our inner world so we can manifest what we truly desire in our outer world. How do we do this? Through HEALING. When we heal, we acknowledge all parts of us and through the process of healing we transform- death to rebirth, pain to purpose, return to your core- your authenticity, your purpose. This is where you return to self!
You are perfect as you are in your unique kind of being you!
I wish you all a beautiful November full of revelation, transformation and return to authenticity. May you connect and align with your true essence and move towards prosperity in a world created from self.
Peace, Love and Light