Hello beautiful soul

As 2023 almost disappears, New Year Eve is often a day where we reflect on what we have experienced during the year, the highs and the lows, the lessons and the blessings, the wisdom and the trauma, the joy and the sadness.

An important prerequisite for us to be able to move forward is paradoxically to be able to let go. This requires us to witness all that we have experienced and come to a place of acceptance of what has occurred and have gratitude regardless of the situation or circumstance.

This is what we often struggle with the most; gratitude and the embodiment of the wisdom of the lesson.

For me this year has been a rather challenging one in many ways with plenty of opportunities for self- reflection and growth. Being a 7 life path in a 7 universal year has really delivered to me many opportunities for me to embrace my mystic qualities and step into a “teaching” role of sharing my gifts and accumulated wisdom.

If you could summarise 2023, what 1 word would you use?

If I was to sum up this year in one word for me it would be VALUE.

Value of self, balancing giving and receiving, the value of forgiveness, setting healthy boundaries, deciding what and who to tolerate, most of all SPEAKING MY TRUTH AND REALISING MY TRUE VALUE.

Tomorrow I will be doing a ceremony of release and intention.

Here are some suggestions if you would like to partake in this very simple but powerful ritual.

Simply have 2 pieces of paper. One you will write all that you wish to leave behind and release. Perhaps some experiences or circumstances, mind sets, traumas, belief systems etc. The other you will write your intentions for 2024; what you would like to bring in. You can use the image below to prompt you if you wish.

Burn safely the list of what you would like to release. With the other you may plant it in Mother Earth, release it in the ocean in a bottle perhaps, have it on your wall( you can use this list to help you create a vision board- workshop Feb 3 ) or just simply use your intuition and follow your soul whispers. Whatever you do , it is all about intention.

Below I have created an image that summarises some of the themes that are associated with an universal 8 year in Numerology. As always there is light and shadow aspects and they all serve as a reminder for what to be aware of and what we all are likely to experience under this universal 8 vibration.

It is time for us to rise beautiful souls, individually and then of course collectively. Let us rise in love together.

Peace, Love and Light



