Happy Galactic New Year everyone!
A beginning of a new cycle, new awakenings, and new births. Today is an important day to set intentions for the future. Align with your soul and dig deep to allow what you truly desire to manifest.
A galactic or cosmic year is the period of time in which the Sun completes one cycle around the centre of the galaxy.
According to the Galactic Calendars that were kept by the Mayans and other advanced races on Earth, the "natural" New Year of the Planet is on 26th of July.
The knowledge and wisdom of the ancients has always fascinated me, but since our trip to South America this April and learning about the Incas, I’m feeling more and more aligned with these teachings.
The Incas structured their whole lives around the cosmos and “Pachamama” – The Earth and The Sky. Their rituals, their daily living and temples were always built according to the stars, the constellations, the Equinox and the Solstice.
2023 is a universal year of 7 in Numerology, thus we all are being called to connect with our sacred, our mystic, our light within, our magic.
The first half of the year feels to me, and especially July Cancer Season, a very visceral, tumultuous clean up! Heavy lifting, heavy purging, heavy everything!
For me personally, I feel like July has been the most intense month of acknowledgement, emotions, triggers and our core of the core of our wounds showing up day after day to be “allowed” to be seen, heard, felt, held then alchemised.
Themes like self-worth, value, destructive self-sabotage, ancestral trauma, cyclic and karmic patterns, outdated belief systems, hurts, traumas, the biggest wounds you just can’t seem to heal.
The biggest take away for me has been: LIVE IN THE PRESENT! Thus, any past patterns MUST BE STOPPED IF WE WANT TO STEP THROUGH THE PORTAL OF NEW BEGINNINGS.
We are now in Leo season! The season of the majestic lion stepping into the light and claiming its glory- no longer being afraid to be seen or heard. The courage and bravery of “busting” out of a cocoon of emotions or patterns that will just not serve us as we raise our frequency, and stepping into your authentic wizardry, your magic, your authenticity.
Spin your own golden thread that will transform the world into it’s highest light. We are each but one thread, but together we weave the destiny of humanity.
The Galactic Affirmation for this Year is:
"I Empower in order to Enchant
Commanding Receptivity
I Seal the Output of Timelessness
With the Overtone Tone of Radiance
I Am Guided by the Power of Spirit."
Affirmation via 13moon.com
May we all embrace our own kind of magic; it takes all types to make a collective consciousness that can hold and live New Earth- UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !
Peace, love and light